ODBA By Laws update and intro to Basketball Connect

Orange Basketball has changed registration programs from Game Day to Basketball Connect, to stay in alignment with BNSW.
Please use the link below to register your team for the Summer
When you enter your team, you will be prompted that you are a duplicate member - please ensure that click send email or sms to confirm who you are to avoid paying two registration fees.
It works more efficiently if you add all the members of your team with their phone numbers at the time of registering, however, they can be added later from your Basketball Connect account.
Please read - By Laws update - primarily affects High School Boys Competitions
Based on member feedback, the ODBA board has made changes to the structure of the domestic competition moving into Summer 24/25.
All players participating in the High School Competition must be in Years 7 to 12 (or of equivalent age). The school year refers to the year the player will be in at the completion of the competition.
ODBA High School competition will be divided into levels and age groups as follows
• Premier League High School Boys (Fully timed, shot clock games)
• Senior High School Boys (for years 10.11,12)
• Junior High School Boys (for years 7,8,9)
• High School Girls (for years 7,8,9,10,11,12)
Any players who want to play in the competition above their age group (for example, a Year 6 student wishing to play in the Junior High School competition) must be assessed by ODBA before being approved. This assessment is crucial to ensure that all players are placed in the most suitable division for their skills and size.
If approved to play up a division, the player is no longer eligible for the lower division. This rule is designed to keep competition divisions as fair as possible; i.e., if a player is assessed as capable of playing in a higher division, they should not play lower as well, where they would likely be too strong. Representative players playing for their sides in the competition will be exempt from this rule, as rep teams do not play for competition points. 
Any fill-in players will need to fulfil the school year requirements of that division. Only Primary One players can be a fill-in player for Junior High School teams. 
These changes were designed to maintain the safety and fairness of our competition. The changes help us grade our competitions and avoid any major size differences between teams that can be difficult to manage and officiate.
The bylaw changes are in line with boards push to make our competition safer and more enjoyable for all participants. All questions and comments should be reffered to board@odba.com.au 
When you enter your team, you will be prompted that you (or your child) are a duplicate member - please ensure that click send email or sms to confirm who you are to avoid paying two registration fees.
It works more efficiently if you add all the members of your team with their phone numbers at the time of registering, however, they can be added later from your Basketball Connect account.
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